(802) 595-6911
Our HOPELINE serves as the entry point to Connecting Hope. Clients and referring agencies can call this number to seek information, complete an intake, or express a need. Volunteers who staff this line are Christians who are committed to showing the love of Christ through their interactions. All calls will be followed up with a phone call to be sure the need was met, inquire about current well-being, and offer encouragement and/or prayer.
Here’s how it works:
•A person in need comes to church or resource organization for help.
•Churches offer prayer and encouragement, then refer them to the HOPELINE. Resource organizations provide their services and refer clients to the HOPELINE for help they cannot provide.
•The person calls the HOPELINE and completes an intake, receives prayer and moral support.
•The Intake Volunteer and the HOPELINE Coordinator work together to verify the need and identify the best resource. This resource may be through additional community resource organizations, or the need may be met through the resources of the network of Member Churches.
•The client is connected with the help they need.
•Connecting Hope follows up with the client to be sure their need was addressed if possible, and to offer further support if needed.